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November 10, 2008

Free Traffic Info with Nokia's Mobile Millennium

by Darla Mack

So, what is Nokia's Mobile Millennium?  Mobile Millennium offers free traffic information to GPS enabled Nokia’s and non Nokia devices.  Unfortunately, the pilot is only available to users who drive between the San Francisco Bay Area and Lake Tahoe ski area, though all Bay Area residents with smart phones or internet access will be able to receive traffic information that includes probe data.

Mobile Millennium is a partnership between Nokia, NAVTEQ and UC Berkeley, based at the California Center for Innovative Transportation (CCIT), a deployment-focused research center at Berkeley's Institute of Transportation Studies.  It is supported by te U.S. Department of Transportation's SafeTrip-21 Initiative and the California Department of Transportation.

Supported devices include:

BlackBerry Curve 8310 (AT&T)
BlackBerry Pearl 8110 (AT&T)
Nokia E71 (Unlocked)
Nokia N95 (Unlocked)
Nokia N96 (Unlocked)
Nokia E61i (Unlocked, with external GPS)

If you live in the suggested area please visit http://traffic.berkeley.edu/ to download the software.

via:  Tech Radar


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