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October 02, 2008

Design Your Own Headset in Nokia's Almighty Headset Contest

by Clinton Jeff

Nokia just launched another flash heavy website today, to promote their new Music Almighty Headset Competition , where you can basically let your imagination run wild, and design your own Nokia headset (using the BH-501, BH-503, BH-903 and BH-604 as a foundation) , and submit it.

The top five winning concepts will actually be made into real-life fully working products and showcased as a collection in Nokia's flagship stores.

Earlier, I had a URL shoved under my nose that pointed to the Music Almighty Headset Competition which begins today - a quite brilliantly quirky design contest that asks anyone to submit designs for Nokia headsets, with the five winning design concepts actually being tailor made into real-life fully working products and showcased as a collection in Nokia's flagship stores. And as you can probably guess from the photo, the 'anything goes' ethos definitely applies here. Read on for more info...

The competition kick-started today and runs up until the end of December. Any designs that are submitted will be uploaded to the Gallery on the Music Almighty Headset Competition site. Once up there anyone can vote for the designs, with the top 10 highest rated being plucked out and whittled down to five winners chosen by a panel of design and music experts.

You can read the full post over on the Nokia Conversations post.

I actually think this is a great idea. I even designed four ( yeah thats right F-O-U-R ) headsets just for fun's sake. I know they're pretty simple and not as wacky as the rest of the designs so I probably wont win, but the Headphone designer on the Competition site is just so much fun to play around with ! What have you come up with ? Let us know in the comments section ! Your virtual design might just make it to the real world !

[Via ZomgitsCj]


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