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August 05, 2008

Nokia Interet Tablets, S60 Not Required

by Matthew

Whether Nokia's intention or not, since my acquisition of the Nokia Internet Tablet N810, I have found I use my Nokia N95-3 less and less as a smartphone or multimedia computer, as Nokia has coined it, and more as an accessory to the Tablet. Don't get me wrong I love the S60 platform and wouldn't think of dropping it completely, I just want to point out to those considering the N810 or N800 a fancy smartphone such as the N95-3 is anything but necessary. I might even go out on a limb to say, had I purchased the N810 first, I might have picked up a decent feature phone instead.


NIT and S60 devices complement and overlap each other in a number of areas. If I've missed something feel free to mention it in a comment.

  • Email
  • Web
  • 3rd party applications
  • Wi-Fi
  • Bluetooth
  • USB (micro or mini) port
  • Camera (albeit vastly different in quality)
  • GPS
  • Maps
  • Turn-by-turn directions with voice guidance
  • VOIP
  • Instant Messaging
  • Multimedia (audio, video, FM Radio)
  • Streaming Content

N95 Advantages

  • Large GSM and WCDMA Data footprints
  • Mobile Phone (voice, SMS, MMS)
  • 5MP Camera with flash
  • A2DP (stereo bluetooth)
  • Smaller footprint
  • Video Calling (where supported)
  • Dual cameras

N8x0 Advantages

  • Large screen
  • Linux (open source)
  • PC functionality
  • Battery life
  • Video VOIP (Skype)

Toss Ups

There are things I left off these two list because they could be a plus or a minus depending what you want out of the device. Each have their own value depending on your intentions.

  • Touch screen vs. non-Touch - I wouldn't want it on N95 but likely would miss it on N810.
  • QWERTY vs. T9 - I much prefer T9 on N95, for larger typing jobs QWERTY on N810 is great.
  • IRDA (N95) - Seriously, do people still use this anymore?
  • Software - There are applications on each platform I love, love to hate or missing entirely. One thing is certain, Nokia has kept with their mobile device tradition for each by not allowing users the option to change default applications i.e. email clients, web browsers.

Bottom Line

While I can't see myself, nor would I want to, stop using S60 anytime in the foreseeable future, I do believe, thanks to the N810, if ever I had to go without S60 I might survive. On the other hand if someone managed to take the N810 (from my cold dead hands), I would certainly mourn its loss provided I still had my N95; otherwise I would die a slow painful gadget-less death.


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My only problem with N810 is that it is very bad in playing high bitrate videos. try playing MSNBC podcasts with N810 and it will start crawling.

N95 has no problem. Things like these makes me disappointed with N8x0 because they should be playing better than a phone!!


I find that even with an N800. I gravitate mostly towards my N95. Simple because it is ever present within reach and except screensize has no less features than the N800. Also some very good mobile websites exists giving quick and efficient info.

The N800 is mostly the alternative to switching on the PC for viewing annoyingly fullsized desktop oriented websites. It acts as a backup for VoIP/SIP connections and looks to become the defacto touchscreen music player for the stereo. I mainly use it as a videoplayer for (converted DVD's) while traveling if I am not sure of finding a tv in an hotel.

Having said this, I expect to converge the N800 and the N95 with the new upcoming touchscreen device of Nokia.

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