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July 28, 2008

Living the Life of a Global Nomad

by Darla Mack

Anyone knowing Andy Abramson will know that you just can't find him in one set location.  That man travels like nobody's business.  Hence the proper term.... "global nomad".  Yep, that's Andy.

I've had the pleasure of being abroad with Andy in Barcelona and I don't think I've quite met anyone that has his "travel game" together.  He knows how to get from point A to point B without a map!!  AND he knows the best places to dine.

In his recent article he shares the tools that he uses to maneuver himself around the globe with jet-setting flair and lists some of the top solutions for travel.


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Ricky Cadden

Heh, I just found this blog of his over the weekend - great stuff!

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