iPhone 3G 16gb Finally
by Darla Mack
After that "not-so-long-line" this morning I finally walked away with my 16gb white iPhone 3G.
Some things that I encountered in the purchase process is that contrary to my previous post on Engadget confirming my suspicions (in which the bits that I was referring to aren't on the site anymore) you CANNOT purchase the previous iPhone plans with the new iPhone.
Also, existing customers WILL have to change their voice plans as
well. Hmmm... I thought I read that all was needed was a qualifying
voice plan? That didn't sit too well with me, because in reality I'll
be paying $30 more per month and getting 450 less minutes. This was a
question that I asked repeatedly during my "getting iReady process".
Activation is still done via iTunes but was done by the sales rep in the AT&T store... not sure what that was about because she went in the back room to do it.
Things can always go wrong as things often do, and in this case it was iPhone hell. Lol computer systems froze, customers had issues (myself included) and iTunes was taking forever.
One thing that they didn't tell you in your process of getting iReady was that if you ever had a late pay or suspension of service... no matter how long ago, YOU CANNOT QUALIFY FOR AN UPGRADE. Even after I called 2 days prior to find out if I qualified all of that changed today. In November when I had surgery my bill was late and yes I was suspended... hey these things happen. You can upgrade to any other phone that AT&T carries, but the iPhone is the only exception... and no overrides can or will be made.
Funny thing though... they let me add a second line with no problem... go figure.
All in all I can now say that I've encountered the iPhone experience. As of now MobileMe still hasn't started working. But since I'm soooo sleepy I'm hoping that by the time I wake up everything will be up and running.
Darlamack Bought into the HYPE... Not you Darla... Not YOU!... On a lighter note. I hope you do some unbiased gadget reporting.
Posted by: El Cheif | July 11, 2008 at 12:31 PM
Darla Mack with an iPhone?! What happened?
Posted by: Stefan Constantinescu | July 11, 2008 at 12:39 PM
I queued for an hour and then waited another hour in the O2 store while they sorted out the paperwork... it was so much easier last time.
I see you have the white iPhone, nice!
Posted by: James Burland | July 11, 2008 at 01:02 PM
Oh, cool - you have the white one.. They aren't available here in the UK (yet)
I'm picking up my black 16GB tomorrow..
Posted by: Neil | July 11, 2008 at 02:35 PM
Sleep well Ms. Mack.
Posted by: Digital Femme | July 11, 2008 at 04:02 PM
Nice Darla! I think I'll wait a few days to get mine. In the meantime, I have upgraded my original iPhone to 2.0.
Looking forward to your thoughts on the device.
Posted by: Angel Martinez | July 11, 2008 at 11:38 PM
How do you like the iPhone?
Posted by: Wifiguy | July 13, 2008 at 12:03 AM
Congrats Darla! I look for to your unbiased reviews and still expect my Nokia N95 8GB to be a better buy than the new iPhone! I just can't go backwards on functionality but will say it is tempting since T-Mobile's 3G isn't available yet. Hmmm...will the New N96 NAM have T-Mo's 3G on it?! It better or I may start thinking...
Posted by: Mitsugst4eva | July 14, 2008 at 10:59 AM
"Darla Mack with an iPhone?! What happened? - Stefan Constantinescu"
Nokia used to be the easiest phones to use. That all changed with S60. Maybe Darla got fed up with having to do all that clicking?
Either way, the lady has taste.
Posted by: Frank Miller | July 14, 2008 at 12:15 PM
Congratulations Darla, the iphone is a excellent phone, if i had money I d´like to buy one too. I have a N95! =)
Posted by: EduardoBlog | July 20, 2008 at 08:19 PM