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May 20, 2008

Do Women Want More Than Men When it Comes to Mobiles?

by Darla Mack

sexuality-logo - Share on Ovi That man that I married always says, "I don't need anything fancy, I just want my phone to ring".  This coming from a man who had a fit when his Helio Heat failed him and received a Gold replacement.  But following his usage, thats all he really does.  Well, that and play games.

Men think that women want pink phones and cute phone charms and such.  Women think that men want to have the "biggest, first, most expensive, etc. etc.".  But does anyone really know?

In my mobile journeys I've found that women do in fact want the same as men.  We may take a back seat to being a mobile front runner when it comes to dropping bucks but that doesn't mean that we aren't technologically equipped to know a powerful device when we see it.  Do I dare start dropping names of female mobile enthusiasts?

I think this pushes it into the thought of His and Her's.  To this day I still feel proud to carry around a pink N95 and even though Nokia has produced many more Nseries devices since the introduction, I still carry it with me everywhere.  Because its a reflection of my personal style. 

I don't think women want anything different.  Just different content and different packaging.  Its more the exterior and what you put into it for us that makes the difference.  I'll be honest.  I've never owned any device from the L'Amour collection.  Although beautiful in its design, it just didn't have what I wanted.  Thats my personal choice.  But I also couldn't understand why Nokia considered this collection more "female friendly".  Even though I know many males that purchased the devices. 

In the end, one doesn't really know what either sex wants.  But haven't similar options available with relative content might pan out for an excellent solutions.


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Amy Gahran

I agree, Darla -- what kind of phone you want tends to come down to what you want it for. If you care about features and functions, you'll buy for that. If you're trying to make a statement with a status symbol, you'll buy according to that. If you're a design freak, you'll buy for that.

I see those human traits making more of a difference in mobile device choice than gender, IMHO...

- Amy Gahran

Dieter Bohn

Darla Darla Darla -- Look what you made me do!


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