Nokia Connecting People Through Vision Enhancement
by Darla Mack
No I don't mean eyewear, but more importantly helping the visionally impaired. Nokia has teamed up to offer a powerful download to enhance the popular N82 for consumers with vision impairment.
Ironically, the service was demoed on the floor at CTIA which at that time I myself couldn't see... (stop laughing Jeb & Amir). The day before I had ripped my contact lens so I had to have Amir and Jeb help me around. Didn't really know how bad my vision was without contacts or glasses since I'm hardly ever without the 2.
knfb Reading Technology, Inc. is pleased to announce the latest breakthrough in print accessibility. We have developed software which places the functionality of a reading machine into a multifunction cell phone. The Mobile Reader products can be activated and ready to use with the touch of a single button on the phone. The user takes a photo of the print to be read and the character recognition software in conjunction with high quality text-to-speech will read the contents of the document aloud. At the same time, it can display the print on the phone’s built-in screen and highlight each word as it is spoken.
It's amazing the capabilites that Nseries devices can offer. Currently the service is being offered on the Nokia N82.
For more information and to see the video demo, please visit
Anytime Darla, happy to help :)
Posted by: Amir A. | April 21, 2008 at 02:55 PM
hi i am using nokia 6233 so i want listen FM without connect headphone so pls help me
Posted by: baba | July 23, 2008 at 03:17 AM