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December 07, 2007

Back from Amsterdam!

by Darla Mack

I returned back from Amsterdam yesterday just in time to have birthday cake with my son.  Returning home is always faster than going to another destination for some reason.

NokiaWorld was an amazing event!!  I got to meet sooooo many people who've I've networked with for many years.  That was a highlight for me. 

Since I'm still in a bit of a tired mode I probably won't put anything up until sometime over the weekend, but I just wanted to give a bit of an update. 


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Was it your birthday or your son's? Happy birthday to both of u, just in case!
(This is perhaps the first time I've replied to any of your posts; but I've been reading your blog since you started it!) I also follow Stefan's blog.

Glenn Letham

nice to actually meet in person (finally)... hope you had a great event. I'm looking forward to seeing that very "green" Nokia emerge in 2008! Cheers - Glenn (SymbianOne.com)


hi darla,

just a quick message to say what a great pleasure it was to finally meet you, and look forward to meeting you again hopefully in the near future, we had a blast, especially the last evening with the fun and games with ewen. lol. was a evening to remember..




Great Darla, I reached home too ...its always nice to be @ home :D and Happy Birthday To You/Son

Take Care
Vineeth aka VinuMsV


Hope you came back with some pictures! he he ;-)

John Leeke

Did Nokia say why they were ignoring the wlan access bugs in the N93? Is it futile to think they might actually fix this problem?

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