Our Daily Bread for Mobile - Devotional Java Downloads
by Darla Mack
Some of the things that I don't share on this blog are my views on Religion and Politics. No matter where you go those are 2 things that always spark a pro vs con argument. But in the true tradition of mobile culture I wanted to share this with other Believers.
You don't need to be a certain denomination in order to carry a little Spiritual guidance with you, and since we always revert to our mobiles for things what better place to have it included.
For a few months I've been a reader of Our Daily Bread. I have the booklets mailed to me and I try my best from time to time to give them a read. Of course, being me, I went on my search for something pointing towards a mobile version. I did come across a link to bookmark on my mobile but I wanted something a little better than that.
I came across a site called Mobile Daily Devotions and amongst their list of other spiritual downloads was Our Daily Bread.
This version of ODB is a java app that can be installed on your device. Since ODB is a monthly periodical you will have to download the newest version every month.
Great daily food source. I tried creating a widset beta entitled "Spiritual Growth" along the same vein...check it out.
Posted by: Marion | July 17, 2007 at 06:24 PM
I'm also a reader.
Unfortunate that it doesn't automatically download the new version. It seems a little inconvenient, IMO. I'm wondering what advantage there is in just looking at the web page. Loading time and any additional cost are two, I suppose. Any others?
Posted by: Max Waterman | July 17, 2007 at 10:10 PM
The one thing that I love about it is the fact that it doesn't use data at all. Plus, when you open the app it open to that current date.
Posted by: Darla | July 26, 2007 at 03:16 AM
How do you install it on the N95? Can't figure that out, pointers welcome
Posted by: D2 | July 26, 2007 at 05:33 PM
Daily devotional is quite interesting, i want to be part of the Mobile Daily Devotional
Posted by: Janet B L | May 22, 2008 at 10:51 AM