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April 16, 2007

Widgets via Web Runtime for S60

by Darla Mack

N95_weatherbug_prof_low_2This mornings S60 audiocast introduced us to the support of widget development for S60 3rd Edition FP2

Hopefully most of us are familiar with widgets from Nokia's Widsets.  That gives us an understanding of just how widgets work for S60 devices.

Ganesh Sivaraman from the Web Browser for S60 team fills us in on the details in his podcast with Phil by explaining that widgets are going to enable web developers from around the world to go mobile with web technology via Web-Runtime. 

The podcast is very interesting and really sums up the days announcements from the audiocast.  I have to quote something that he stated from a prominet blogger in the community.  WWW = Widget Widget World!!

I do have a question though vi.... what happened to the release of FP1 Browser for download?  Not that I don't welcome the news, its just many people were awaiting that and thought thats what the "news" was. 


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I am really excited for the new web browser and only heard the bad news it wasn't announced today. What does that mean? Will it still be coming down the pipeline anytime soon?

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