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April 05, 2007

Mysterious Grey N95 Shows Up on Howard Forums

by Darla Mack

Biggow, a member of Howard Forums has recently received his Nokia N95 and low and behold... its in a different color.  Named "Warm Graphite" his N95 was purchased at Carphone Warehouse in the UK.


Hmmmm, could this mean that in fact there might show up for this mega powerhouse?  Or maybe he was just lucky to get a custom color. :)

Thanks Biggow for the image!:)


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I walked into a Carphone Warehouse on Monday morning, day 1 of the N95 being on sale by them, and the model I looked at had the grey backing. Does anyone know if this colour is a Carphone Warehouse exclusive? Because I really prefer it to the plum version.

Neil @ nechbi.com

Hi Darla, I got myself a N95 from the Carphonewarehouse yesterday - and I have only just noticed that it's also grey (which i'm loving)


Yes, the graphite colour is indeed a carphone warehouse colour exclusive! Check out cpw.com for details


@Charles... thanks for confirming that! Thats amazing! Are the contents different as well?


Thanks Charles - that's a real shame, cause I can get the handset for £50 on a £37.50 tarrif direct with T-Mobile, but I really don'tlike the plum that much :(

Ah well. Thanks!


I saw a sand coloured one at the Nokia store on Regent street. I asked the lady at the desk if that colour is available, and she replied that it was just the sample that was provided to them, thus she wasn't sure if they actually sold them in the UK. It looked pretty though.


I gotta go with the sand colored one as my personal favorite.

Of course, I don't have 850.00 bucks to drop on a phone, so it's a moot point ;)

(Still loving the N93 though, thanks Darla!)



Oh hey, i just saw it on the Ring Nokia blog. http://www.ringnokia.com/2007/04/nokia_n95_malay.html

Its Malaysian apparently. I wonder if that oh so "unique to a certain lady" pink one will show up elsewhere. ^_^


The graphite color is custom to o2, and cpw as far as i can tell only offers it with a tarrif, which is a shame because I would love to have it!


No its not custom to o2 and i bought my phone from o2 and its plum which i think is nicer than the grey. But it would have been nice to get the case and screen protector like the asian versions.


So those of you that got it in 'warm graphite' from CPW, was it sim-free, O2 or Orange etc?


Way before announcing the N95 the "Warm Graphite" variant was supposed to hit the u.s. market only. CPW has exclusive color variants of other phones like 6111 or K750i, but the "Warm Graphite" variant isn't one. ;-)


Mr Warm Graphite

That grey N95 or warm graphite from carphone warehouse is also available sim free.
Don't get this phone from Orange or T-mobile because there n95 handsets have the voip removed!!!


the n95 warm graphit colour is availble in middle east "uae" its an offcial colour from nokia

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