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January 18, 2007

What Ever Happened To Nokia's Media Charger Application?

by Darla Mack

Screenshot0010Back in September when I attended Open Studio many attendees were given a Nokia N80ie to cover the event and participate in certain events that were going on.  If you remember me saying, thats how I began my addiction with Tower Bloxx. 

One of the applications that were pre-installed on the device was an app called Nokia Media Charger.

"The Nokia Media Charger enables the creation of subscription-based services to deliver media-rich content to mobile devices over existing cellular networks.

Regardless of whether mobile consumers want to watch TV programs or videos, listen to music, or keep up-to-date with sports and news, the Nokia Media Charger allows the content of their choice to be automatically delivered and easily accessed."

With the Media Charger I was able to subscibe to media other than just podcasts.  I returned that device and now have another N80ie that I just assumed came with the app.  Lol what do I know!  I'm curious to know what the future of this application holds if anyone can shed some light.


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Jukka Eklund

Have you taken a look on Video Center application running on N95?


Actually no I haven't. I'll have to check that out once I get my hands on an N95. I'm just curious though as to why the app isn't readily available for users.

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