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January 18, 2007

Symbian-Guru Reviews The Nokia N75

by Darla Mack

01162007018_1 My buddy Ricky of Symbian-Guru got his hands on a Nokia N75 and gives his full review over at his site. 
One of the good things he mentions is that Cingular didn't cripple the java as we thought they would.

"First and foremost, the rumor on HoFo is that the delays have been caused by instability in the firmware. The device I played with had Cingular-branded firmware 10.1.045, dated in October, and it was really stable. I have another contact who just got his N75 last friday, and his has newer firmware dated 12-22, 10.1.262, and they stated it was still extremely stable. So this instability issue was either fixed in October, or never really was. Take your pick."

Excellent job Ricky!!


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