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January 03, 2007

Rudy Gives His Input on Nseries Devices

by Darla Mack

Ok first for the year 2007 I must start using the term multimedia computer.  It's so easy to substitute the word device instead of phone, but I must start using the proper term.

Nseries Rudy De Waele of m-trends describes his Nseries experiences with the N80ie, N91, N73 and N93 and also lists his basic functionalities that he uses mostly on them.

"What makes Nokia Nseries different from many other devices is the fact they all are multi-functional. Every device brings quite advanced features like high-resolution camera sensors, powerful music codec’s, FM radio and 3D graphic support for games. To differentiate products within the product family, devices can carry unique experiences like digital TV reception to device, optical zoom for camera, or hard disk drive to store large number of songs on device."

What do you like the most about Nseries?  What functions do you use on a daily basis?  Inquiring minds wanna know!!

[via: RingNokia]


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