Nokia Barcode Reader Now Available On Support Pages
by Darla Mack
Back in December, Tommi announced that the Barcode Reader app that comes preinstalled on the N93 would be made available in both the Download! client of select Nseries devices, as well as the support pages.
My buddy Ricky and I updated our Catalogs app in hopes to find some new goodies and in doing so, lost the Barcode Reader download client that used to be there. Fortunately, on January 3rd the app was added to the software section for the N73. Unfortunately, its not yet available on the N80 and N80ie support pages.
With Barcode reader application you can scan and decode 2D barcodes with your mobile phone. Most of the codes contain short amount of data, such as an URL. The main driver to use barcode reader is the easiness of scanning codes compared to typing in a web address with a mobile phone. The reader supports QR code and Datamatrix code.
The Nokia Barcode Reader for the N73 and N73 Music Edition can be downloaded here.
EDIT: Thanks to Jukka for pointing me to his blog post. Apparently, the Barcode Reader app was removed due to installations issues on the N73.
Update 19.01.2007: Because of installation problems with certain Nokia N73 versions we decided to remove the download from Download! for the time being. Barcode reader for N73 will become again available as soon as there is a N73 firmware update deployed that corrects the problems. Sorry for this, I'll let you know as soon as it's back up!
Hi all, might be worth reading the whole story on S60 Blogs here:
"Update 19.01.2007: Because of installation problems with certain Nokia N73 versions we decided to remove the download from Download! for the time being. Barcode reader for N73 will become again available as soon as there is a N73 firmware update deployed that corrects the problems. Sorry for this, I'll let you know as soon as it's back up!"
N80 doesn't have these problems and the package should be available also in Support pages soon.
Posted by: Jukka Eklund | January 21, 2007 at 02:05 AM