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August 21, 2006

Sony's PSP Gets Pink'd

by Darla Mack

Pinkpspthumb I know this has nothing to do with cell phones, but you know me.  I've yet to own a PSP but something this pretty could possibly lure me to the direction of a purchase.

The Pink PSP Limited edition comes with a bundled value-pack by artist Pink.  An exclusive Pink UMD video featuring her latest music videos - Stupid Girls, Who Knew and U + Ur Hand, along with an exclusive interview with the artist, as well as an exclusive track ‘Crash and Burn’, not available on any Pink album in the UK and exclusive Pink downloads.

The Pink PSP will be available in the UK from October 27th and will retail for £169.99.

via:  MobileWhack, Tech Digest


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lol they're releasing the ps2-slim in pink too lol..i was SO sure u'd find it interesting =-p


Id like to buy a pink psp where can i get it from, i live in the us and would like to get it.

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