CBS News 8 Crimefighters Can Kiss My Moblog!!!
by Darla Mack
Some reporter over at CBS News 8 in San Diego (KFMB to be exact) decided to test their skills at inappropriate journalism and came up with this dumbass story regarding moblogging.
Lemme start by the mis-facts first. Number one, the video that was posted contained moblogs of users that are OVER 18. Number two, the blog owners were NEVER contacted or notified that their blogs were being used in such manner, not to mention mis-used to prove a point that isn't even valid. Number three, no one from Textamerica was ever contacted on their procedures of online safety, on whether they can use the blogs that appear in their video, or for any sort of clarification.
Who the fuck do they think we are... MySpace people?
Before anyone gets on my ass about MySpace lemme just say this... MySpace is MySpace and Textamerica is different. I personally know the people that are behind TA and have seen several blogs shut down over the years for inappropriateness, no matter WHAT the damn age is. But the issue at hand is the tactics of this misinformed article.
Now, let me tackle this with a parenting approach. If you don't have the sense to arm your kids with the dangers and responsibilities of dealing with computers or cameraphones than for Christ's sake don't let the damn kids have them!!! Don't go blaming the damn companies. This isn't a fuckin McDonald's hot coffee situation.
What kills me is that the blog that they created (here) was done on March 10th. The story aired yesterday. So that means that they had enough time to contact TA and the people who's blogs were used to ask for permission and consent but failed to do so. Now thats what I cool good journalism!!
On behalf of my friends and family over at TA... Crimestoppers, kiss my moblog!!!!
related links: Everyday Life , GoodMorning TextAmerica
Great post Darla... those monkeys at CBS need to get their facts in order before they report on something.
Posted by: mojo | March 15, 2006 at 12:57 AM
man, what a lame ass article that is and you are right on... pretty weak and where the hell is the research of facts?? Man, you could imply the same about any technologies so I really fail to see what the problem is with moblogging... obviously this is NEW technology to the crackerjack reporter... where the hell has he been for the past 5 years?? Nice touch but you may wish to lose a couple of the "f-bombs" it may get you a bit further with the rant ... cheers
Posted by: glenn | March 15, 2006 at 02:55 AM
Rock on. Send your email of protest to:
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Posted by: George | March 15, 2006 at 10:12 AM
darla, this is just crazy....... the last paragraph of "THE STORY" states that TextAmerica has no way to control their content but if 8 has ever seen what really goes on here they would still say that nothing is ever done in stead of asking what is done.
your write is very good. thanks.
Posted by: carl | March 15, 2006 at 02:13 PM
Email is great, but better them. 858.571.8888 at the news station or their Talk Radio station at (858) 570-1776 or 1-800-760KFMB.
This appeal to the fear of parents is sickening and as a San Diego resident it's just embarassing.
Posted by: mobile jones | March 15, 2006 at 06:38 PM