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March 26, 2005

How Young is Too Young for a Cell Phone?

by Darla Mack

Dscf0003I've been noticing recently that the mobile market has been taking steps in targeting youths. 

Sanrio of course has its Hello Kitty phone (Nokia 6010 GSM) targeted for girls of all ages (including myself).  Mattel now has the Barbie "My Scene" phone (Nokia 3587i CDMA) customized with My Schene wallpapers and ringtones.  And now the Firefly, which seems to target even younger people then the Barbie and Hello Kitty phones.  Made specifically for "tween".  Lol, what the hell is a tween?  I don't remember being a tween.  Is that somewhere between toddler and pre-teen?

What I'm really trying to get at is... is it all really necessary?  With the way schools are nowadays, do we really need to disrupt their young lives by just giving them a reason to get into trouble, or worse get hurt?  I remember in 11th grade when this girl wanted to jack me up for my sheepskin jacket (yes and for those wondering it was pink!!)  I've been out of school for awhile, but I see that times have not changed.  Kids are getting into fights just to protect their possessions.  I wonder if the Manufacturers are taking that into consideration while trying to make the mighty dollar.  I'm not one to bark or bite at the big dawgs, but being a parent I honestly don't see the logic behind it. 

And will the parents really assume responsibilty?  I can see it now... a phone call places by an angry parent whose child has just ran up the family plan bill to $1000.  Last words of the conversation... well you should have made cell phones for such young people!!!  Of course that just pushes the blame on the provider, but I can see it happening.  There are adults out there that can't even maintain their phone bill. 

It may be a skyrocketing concept and do well... but as far as I'm concerned my kids will not use cell phones until they can afford to have them. 

Note:  I had to post that image of my youngest son with my Nokia 7210.  Lol I felt it went accordingly to my topic!!


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Just for your info these Barbie phones are pre paid making it a great tool to get things done around the house or they get no more min. Also, they are only 50 bucks in the case they get stolen.



Just for your info these Barbie phones are pre paid making it a great tool to get things done around the house or they get no more min. Also, they are only 50 bucks in the case they get stolen.


Prepaid Cellular

I've noticed that a lot of parents are buying them for their children as well, which I personally think is a smart idea.

In fact, I've just ordered one for my 9 year old daughter. My teenage son has had one for over a year now, and while he rarely uses it... the times that he has needed the phone made it worth way more than what little it cost!

True that my daughter is rarely away from me at this age (9)... but here are a few examples of how/when the phone might come in handy:

- on the friday night she wants to go to the skating rink with her school friends

- on the weekends she is with her father (we are divorced), because he doesnt let us call each other on his phone

- if she is at a friends or at a sleepover and she needs to call me for ANY reason

... and well, you just never know anymore...

It just makes sense to have a cell phone now that they are so insanely affordable. Everyone should keep one in the glove box for emergencies, which you can do now for under twenty bucks (including an airtime card).


i agree with everyone..the phones are awsome for kids if they have emergencies...or anything at all...but they are sooooo young and i don't think that the manufacturers should be marketing to kids thaatttt young...like really? a 7 year old with a cell phone? what the heck is the point of that? i think that manufacturers should just find anther product to sell to everyone else...let the innocent remain innocent...sometimes i think we should just go back to living like cavemen...less pollution....less cost....happier lives...no GUNS!!...less violence..better EVERYTHING...the only down side i can think of at the moment is that we would be bored all the time...but its definitely a small sacrifice....ANYWAYS (getting off topic) phones...for kids= baddddd...i think its so pointless and the maufacturers should be ashamed of going after the little kids...all they want to do is have fun..make them toys...not cell phones

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